julie in woods no legs use this one

Live Big, Life Coaching

Live Big, Life Coaching

Live Big, Life Coaching

Live Big, Life Coaching

Living Big, LIfe Coaching

You’re creative.

Your life is already “good”.  But it feels too small.

And you’re not sure how to change that.

Living Big, Life Coaching is designed to help you live your life on a bigger canvas….pick up a bigger brush.

Your life is a creative act and this coaching is acknowledging that and working with that.

Sometimes your dreams are faced with too much judgment to grow–this is a great time to develop ways of working with your inner critic so you can take some very doable first steps.

Sometimes your new idea isn’t  getting enough attention and you need to say “no” to more things for a robust lift-off.  Healthy boundaries at the right time are priceless.

Sometimes you think you need to work harder to get where you want to go when you’re actually dying to refuel and have some fun –this actually being the best way to really get things moving.


Wouldn’t it be great to really “get” where you are in the scheme of things so that you can really tap into the magic of the moment? 

We start in stillness:  We have conversations that don’t happen anywhere else.   This is improv work.  Sometimes we walk.  Sometimes we draw.  Sometimes you talk and I listen.  Sometimes I say what I see.  There is no formula no ABC to follow; 

“Unsmart” Coaching:  Unsmart is where it’s at. Over-thinking, over-knowing, over-figuring is not how we get to the powerful questions.

Body:  Tuning into what is happening for you below the neck is one great way to start.  

Gentle irreverence:  How to talk about difficult things?  We can go deep and still be gently irreverent. We don’t have to take things as seriously as we do when we’re on our own. Change the mood and you will change what’s possible. 

Visual Play:  Drawing breaks through the endless loop of story. Every once in a while the easiest way to “talk” is to draw.  

Living big includes body, mind and spirit…mystery and spontaneity…all the things that our daily lives often shut down.  We’re going to wake up the favorite parts of yourself, expanding your connection to intuition and building self trust and confidence along the way. 

“It has been AWESOME working with you Julie.  I feel like our time together put me in a catapult and has thrown me forward!”

Cathy Schwab


One client went from being a chameleon to a queen.  She didn’t realize she wasn’t taking care of her own needs and now she is clear about what she wants in life and how to go for it.

One client, a mother and business owner, went from feeling her dreams were peripheral and untouchable to having them be at the center of her daily life. 

One client went from feeling extremely self critical to experiencing self compassion and “getting” what others loved about her.   

One client, a highly successful professional, wanted to find work that he loved. He developed spiritual practices and found a profound freedom in his life without needing to leave his job.   

One client experienced physical discomfort and headaches as he overrode his own feelings to keep up with his responsibilities. He now writes poetry, paints, and works with his dreams as a way to be in touch with who he now knows himself to be. 

One client felt betrayed, resentful and shut down and discovered a safe way to own her own creativity and voice again. 

One client used to keep her paintings under the bed.  She now shows her work in a Santa Fe gallery.  

“In coaching, problems are not resolved.  They are dissolved.” Julio Olalla, my mentor and founder of Newfield Network where I received my training in 2008-2009. 
I have my PCC certification from the ICF with over 1200 hours of coaching.
I also train coaches in the work that I do. 

“Thank you again and again for helping me prepare the way for many awesome changes. I so appreciate your non-judgmental, encouraging and deeply loving ways.  My psyche is allowed to relax and unfold as it will.  I feel closer to the joy now.”

Jess Webb

Initial complementary coaching consult: In this 30 minute session, we will get a chance to meet each other and find out we are a good “match”.  There are many different kinds of coaches out there–you will have this time to verify your hunch to work with me.  
Schedule you initial complementary consult now.

Schedule Consult Now


Coaching for transformation:  Packages starting at $500.  We will create a package that fits your readiness and commitment.  Individual coaching retreats are also available. If you have worked with me before, one session tune-ups also available. 







Great News:

I’m offering a sliding scale option for coaching during this pandemic, now through May 2021!

 I’ve recently been working with a couple of individuals on a sliding scale basis and have loved it. I’ve decided to extend this offer to 1-2 more motivated people now through May.  How to get started? Email me or