I Could Have Been A VP But I Had To Dance with Sandi Scheuber

Sandi Scheuber has lived parallel lives, one as a systems engineer for a large organization and the other as a dancer and choreographer. She has experienced times of great courage putting dance first along with many years of dance being after hours only.
Here she shares with Julie the value of purposefully not advancing up the ladder in her life as an engineer in order to make real time for her dancing life.
This is not a story of leaving everything behind to follow one’s passions. This is a story of how one woman took the safe career path but has also boldly followed through on her dream of dancing, letting her passion lead the way.
Sandi’s Info:
Website: www.makedancehappen.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sandischeuberchoreographer/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandischeuberchoreographer/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandischeuber