Dancing With The Goddess with Padma Menon

Padma Menon is a leading dancer in the Kuchipudi style of dance, which is an ancient Indian temple dance tradition. She has danced extensively in India, Australia and the Netherlands and developed one of the first professional non-western dance companies that had a national and international performance profile; She also developed a centre for dance in India which helped women to live their full and sacred presence in their lives.
Padma talks to Julie about what it involves– dancing in this ancient tradition, partnering with a variety of Goddesses and embodying both ferocity and pleasure as an experience of the divine feminine..
Padma’s Info:
Padma’s Reclaiming your Sacred Self Individual Program (fully online)
Youtube channel with weekly practice videos
Julie’s Info:
Mentoring/Coaching /Experiences for soul connection and creative cures: https://www.paintbiglivebig.com
The Creative Cure / Every Friday, open to everyone – Pay from the Heart www.paintbiglivebig.com/the-creative-cure-for-anxious-times/
The Creativity Lab- Online Wednesdays: https://paintbiglivebig.com/weekly-painting-group/
Intuive Painting Retreats: https://paintbiglivebig.com/live-painting-events/retreats/