Getting Into A Great Internal Space To Paint

Getting Into A Great Internal Space To Paint

You want to paint. And you want to be on a roll, where you’re really connecting to your inner life as you move paint on the canvas. Here are some ways I open up the space in my workshops and in my personal studio, giving myself the best possible shot at being in...

To Be Alive

So often as a culture we are striving, figuring, earning, achieving, performing and our hearts run dry. We can be a little dead, still breathing-but essentially dead–don’t you think? This is one reason why I paint. This is why I help others paint, create, live—so that...

The Magic Of An Intuitive Painting Workshop

Regular art classes never worked for me. I don’t bloom in instructional settings. It was when I first experienced painting in a sacred context, in a place of personal intimacy and depth that I opened up and found my inner painter alive and well. Actually, I was...

Masking tape can be outrageous when you’re painting

There are these creative openings that happen for you while you paint intuitively. You can’t plan them or predict them but they happen. Sometimes it’s because you change paint colors, or you find your playful self momentarily, sometimes it’s because of a new tool—like...