by Julie Claire
The Impact of New Mexico’s Landscapes on Artistic Creation with Julie Wagner Julie Wagner speaks of the impact of Northern New Mexico’s wild landscape on her creative process....
by Julie Claire
Being a Female Documentary Filmmaker with Jilann Spitzmiller Jilann and Julie explore the ins and outs of what it takes to be a female documentary filmmaker. Jilann shares her experiences with Meow Wolf, and other great...
by Julie Claire
You want to paint. And you want to be on a roll, where you’re really connecting to your inner life as you move paint on the canvas. Here are some ways I open up the space in my workshops and in my personal studio, giving myself the best possible shot at being in...
by Julie Claire
Why do we paint? I mean, what is really getting us to the blank page? Instinctually I believe we sense that painting could change us somehow. We sense that we could let loose, we could be bolder than we often feel. But our ego and...
by Julie Claire
(painting by workshop participant 2019) I’ve heard it said that the comparison part of our brain is the last part of the obscuring mind to go. And what suffering those insidious shoulds and criticisms bring, even as they disguise themselves as ambition and self...