Dancing With The Goddess with Padma Menon Padma Menon is a leading dancer in the Kuchipudi style of dance, which is an ancient Indian temple dance tradition. She has danced extensively in India, Australia and the Netherlands and developed one of the first professional...
How Meditation Changed Everything with Martin Stepek Martin Stepek’s free weekly mindfulness class in his hometown of Hamilton Scotland was the largest of its kind in Britain for years. During the CoVID shutdowns, Martin went online and for 15 months he...
Following The Thread Of The Horse with Sara Stenson Sara Stenson can’t remember a time growing up when she wasn’t riding horses—starting as a child on her family’s ranch in Wyoming. Here she walks Julie through a serendipitous path of how...
The Story That Lives In Our Bodies with Johanna Walker Johanna Walker performs and hosts poetry slams, has created solo theater pieces and has a career helping others find their voices. As a public speaking coach and trainer, Johanna has worked with...
Finding Great Purpose In Making Art with Mixed Media Artist Sarah Bush Sarah Bush is a mixed media and installation artist living in Taos, NM. She talks with Julie about how she transitioned from being a prolific and successful designer for twenty years to...
I Could Dance Before I Walked with Susheela Ramachandran Susheela Ramachandran awakens people through sound and play. She’s also an intuitive guide, multi-gifted artist, and the Co-host of the Global Table at Revolutionary Woman (TM). She currently resides in...
Guided By The Grandmothers with Andrea Menard Metis speaker, singer, writer and actor Andrea Menard sees her life as a medicine wheel, her creativity emerging from the four elements of her essential being. She shares how she made a deal with life early on—she...
Inspired by Trash: Recycled Materials and Creative Process with Sara Basehart Sara Basehart shares how recycled materials and creative process make beautiful art and a successful retail business in Taos New Mexico. Sara Basehart is an artist whose medium is...
What Improv Has Taught Me About Overcoming Fear with Lori Pearlstein Lori uses the principles of improv to help people feel more comfortable with being uncomfortable, overcome their fear of judgement, and develop the confidence to face challenges. In this...
Born Into Art, A Taos, New Mexico Creative Ride– with Georgia Gersh Georgia shares how her early childhood years growing up on a commune with her well known artist parents began her journey with living with art and artists in a remarkable way. After years of...